The emerging technologies and new ways of doing business mean the certification of IT professionals is now more important than ever.
Thereby bringing to your notification the newly registered IT Professional Body, Institute of Chartered IT Professionals and the new IT Qualifications in South Africa, the ITCP(SA) – Information Technology Certified Professional and the CITP(SA) – Chartered Information Technology Professional
The Institute of Chartered IT professionals is a IT professional body recognised by South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), that seeks to help to create and manage the IT profession in South Africa, making sure that competency, recognition and professionalism is effectively and efficiently promoted in the IT sector. ICITP advocates for the IT industry, seek and promote the prioritization of the practical experience and workplace experience component of the NQF qualifications in Information Technology in South Africa
As the awarding body for the ITCP (SA) and CITP (SA) professional qualification and certification in South Africa, ICITP helps graduates, businesses and society at large to improve their skills and knowledge in the field of Information Technology. It does this by setting the standards of excellence for course content, training provision and examination and certification systems.
Its mission is to advance the National Qualification Framework (NQF) by promoting public interest and trust in the information Technology Profession; ensuring and encouraging continuing professional development; developing and maintaining the standards for the practice of Information Technology and facilitating access to its designations in recognition of deserving Information Technology practitioners in South Africa
The main objectives of ICITP for the IT sector are to:
- Promote the importance of the Media, Information and Communication Technology in South Africa and internationally;
- Develop and maintain professionalism and thereby ensuring high quality professional services by IT professionals in the society for the benefit of the public;
- Support accredited training providers to align their curriculum to the professional standards and industry critical and scarce skills;
- Work closely with other professional associations, including recognized professional bodies within the IT sector to maintain high standards in the industry;
- Cooperate with the relevant institutions such as SAQA, Quality Councils, the SETAs, etc. to the benefit of the greater IT sector;
- Assist IT graduates with work integrated learning (WIL) and practical competency to ensure their workplace readiness; and
- Develop, support, supervise and promote professional standards for technical and ethical competence in the Media, Information and Communication Technology sector.
ICITP membership ranges from Affiliate, Student, Associate, Member, Professional and lastly Fellow member. When you become a member, you become part of the dynamic change that is transforming, enriching your knowledge, shaping the world of Media, Information and Communication Technology. Our members get the opportunity to stand out and advance their IT qualification by writing the ITCP & CITP Board Exams (qualifications on the NQF).