
ICITP always update its qualification, professional experience requirements and CPD program. This ensures that our members are first choice for employers who are recruiting qualified IT practitioners and trained IT business leaders. ICITP is committed to upholding the highest ethical and professional standards, and to maintaining public confidence in Information Technology

Chartered IT
Professionals| CITP

The CITP qualification is designed to create Information Technology Practitioners with high-level managerial skills (C-level Professionals) and the ability to structure and manage a large enterprise.

The Chartered Chief Information Officer, South Africa: C-CIO (SA)

Chief information officer (CIO) is an executive job title commonly given to the person at an enterprise in charge of information technology (IT) strategy and the computer systems required to support the organization's unique objectives and goals.

Information Technology Certified Professionals| ITCP

The ITCPā„¢ is the entry-level qualification of ICITP, designed to create specialized practitioners in Information Technology whom are practically component and have business skills.

Certified Computer End-User South Africa| CCEU-SA

The CCEU (SA) | Certified Computer End-User, South Africa also known as Professional Computer User License (SA) is an independent ICITP professional certification, a validation of an individualā€™s competency in computer practices.

Certified Computer End-user Practitioner| CCEUP-SA

CCEUP-SA is a work-readiness IT certification. It offers a solid foundation in Information Technology practice and demonstrates the holderā€™s competence as an adept and capable digital practitioner.

Professional Computer User Licence| PCUL

There are few businesses where employees are not required to spend at least some amount of time using the businessā€™computer, phones, tablets, or other devices. The cost of buying and maintaining ICT equipment can be a huge cost to the business,

Test Preparation



Candidates can purchase prescribed books and study for the exams on their own.


ICITP Learning Partners

Ensure your training investment by selecting only authorized ICITP Training Partners. Only ICITP Authorized Learning Partners deliver the latest ICITP curriculum and authorized training relevant to the professional certification. Going through an authorized training provider ensures that you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to becoming a successful Information Technology Practitioner.